31 Funny Work Memes That Will Make You Feel Better About Another Day In The Office
The daily grind is not going away for many of us, but however bad your day, however stressful and hair-pulling, these funny work memes should give you some light relief. It may be momentary but it will also, hopefully, be cathartic. It's always good to know that someone, somewhere on this planet is feeling the same as you are.
Because we all need to do a job no matter what. Whether it be to pay off the mortgage, pay the rent, feed your children, feed yourself, pay your bar bill or your drug habit. Or so you can take a 12 month sabbatical so you can avoid work for a year. It unites us all. Well, nearly all of us. And we all need escapism too. Sometimes lots of it.
So what better than some work memes to supply you with some much needed distraction.
Because that escapism can come in the form of procrastination, a vacation, or just having a good laugh at our jobs and work culture in general. Sometimes we love what we do at work, sometimes we hate it. It's kinda like being in a marriage. Except that you get paid for it and also get a few weeks vacation and public holidays too.
Because whether you go to an office, a factory, a farm, or down the docks. Whether you're a mechanic, a cop, a programmer, or teacher. The day-to-day gets to us all at some point.
Usually it's the little things that niggle at us, a colleague incessantly tapping their foot against the floor. That person who always commits the cardinal sin of cooking a fish dish in the microwave and stinking the place out. Or perhaps your boss always seemingly on your back.
Whatever it is, these funny work memes should come in handy. They let you shrug off the stresses of the day with some good old chuckling. So take a moment, check out the work memes below and tell the boss you're busy.
31 Work Memes to Brighten Up Your Day