Genuine Reviews On TripAdvisor Of People Hating On Some Of The World's Most Beautiful Places
There's just no pleasing some people. You take them to see the ancient ruins of one of the single greatest works of architecture and engineering on the planet, and they moan about it being in a poor state of repair, or worse still, that it's miles from the nearest Burger King.
Ignoramuses! But worse still, not only do they hate on some of the most cherished places in the world, but they then feel the need to share their idiocy with others and leave a comment on travel website TripAdvisor.
YouTuber Andy Flemming decided to do something about it, he collated some of these ridiculous comments together and put them in a video so your jaw can hit the floor in disbelief. "I was trawling through TripAdvisor and found people who simply weren't happy visiting some of the world's most beautiful places." he notes.
Mind you, one commentator noted that the experience at the Coliseum in Rome ("the most over-rated building in the world") could be vastly improved with '3D holograpic gladiator shows'. It makes you think.