This Girl's Tattoo Nightmares 'Before And After Pictures' Are Horrific
When it comes to tattoo nightmares 'before and after', as in body art gone bad, the girl in these photos looks like she's had one of the worst experiences imaginable. It starts out innocently enough, with her wanting to get some inking of three roses across her chest. But it looks like the tattooist didn't take the right health precautions. Because as the images show, it soon turned into what can only be described as one of the worst tattoos ever.
It's most certainly the stuff of bad tattoo nightmares, because it seems one of the most horrible tattoo aftermaths ever seen infected because the ink used was toxic. Bad tattoos happen, but this is truly something else.
After the infection the girl's skin rejected the tattoo, and began to expel the ink from her skin. And it begins to peel off like it was a sticker. Except underneath, her skin is red raw and looks like something out of a horror movie, it serves as a warning to everyone to be careful and avoid horrible tattoos like this at all costs.
It's unclear whether this had to turn into the stuff of tattoo nightmares though, because it's not known how long the girl left it before seeking medical advice. Or if she sought medical advice at all.
The Transformation From Bad Tattoos To Tragedy

The pictures (below) were doing the rounds on social media, after the women presumably uploaded them online, maybe as a cautionary tale for others. Once the woman's body had expelled the ink fully, then started the very long healing process. But because this tattoo was so big, the damage was dramatic. And it seems she'll be left with a very big scar, which hopefully over time will decrease. Bad tattoos will do this.
There's a reality docu-soap TV show called Tattoo Nightmares which looks at when people have bad experiences while getting a tattoo, "the downright ugly, embarrassing or hilarious inkings." The show also looks at the cover-up tattooists and how they remedy the situation, altering terrible body art into something much better. But it's doubtful that even their skills could save this poor girl, her infection is so bad.
If nothing else hopefully this sorry story can help others avoid similar bad tattoo nightmares. And remember, there are telltale signs if your body ink is turning sour, like swelling, red marks around the design, smelling bad, any sort of pain or secretions. If you notice any of these, go see a doctor. Tattoos should be a thing of beauty. Not like this.
And check out the horrorshow this woman went through below. Be warned, it is very graphic.
Tattoo Nightmares Before And After Pictures