'Grandma With A Gun' Gets Some Epic Internet Photoshop Treatment—The Results Are Hilarious
When someone asks the internet for photoshop help it can go two ways: hilariously wrong or brilliantly right. In this instance it goes brilliantly and hilariously right.
Reddit user liskoturri uploaded the pic 'Grandma with a gun' to Reddit's PSBattle sub and then Reddit users set about doing what needed to be done. And like the faithful servants they are they didn't disappoint.
It was almost too great a gift, not only did it have the juxtaposition of a grandma waving a gun, albeit a plastic one, but she was also pulling a grimacing face which just played up to the whole "Pop a cap in yo aiss" action movie aesthetic.
You might have feelings that this is taking advantage of old people, but don't worry, they will be fleeting because the results below are guaranteed to make you laugh and forget all about what's right or wrong.
Here's the original pic, which on its own is pretty great.

And here's what Reddit did with it.