Better Than A Golden Ticket? Grandma Finds Packet Of Cocaine In Her Nature Valley Granola Bar
Does cocaine qualify as a whole grain? Not sure that it does, but that's what grandma Cynthia Rodriguez, from San Antonio, Texas found in her Nature Valley granola bar, which she discovered after eating it and shaking out the packet.
"I was munching it from the wrapper, and when I finished eating it, I like the crumbs, so I shook it out to get them and the little packet popped out in my hand." she said. "[The cops] tested it and said, 'Congratulations, this is high-quality cocaine'."
Congratulations, indeed. The incident happened back in March and as yet no legal action is being taken, but an investigation is under way into how it got in there. Did someone at the factory put it in as a little something extra?
Mrs Rodriguez was rightly concerned that one of her 11 grandchildren could have been eating the bar which was accompanied by the illegal drugs.

Was a drug dealer feeling charitable? "We referred this to the police department in March, and are confident this did not happen in our facility," Nature Valley have said.
So how the hell did it get in there? And are there any more?
The police issued a statement that no legal action is being taken at this time while investigations continue.
Meanwhile sales of Nature Valley Granola bars has rocketed.