Very Brave Man Hikes Into Active Volcano And Films It All With A GoPro
Sam Cossman journeys to the volcanic island of Ambrym, Vanuatu in the South Pacific Ocean and ventures into the active Marum volcano crater, because he's way braver than me and you.
And while there he films the entire experience so we can all get an indication (minus the insane heat, of couse) of what it's like to clamber down into a pit of molten rock that's boiling away very uninvitingly beneath you.
At one point he's standing so close to the edge it looks like the scorching lava's going to consume him. But it doesn't. Trouble is, after climbing down he's now got to lug his giant balls back up the inside of the volcano.
As someone remarks in the comments on Vimeo, "I'll bet this guy fries bacon without a shirt." Oh definitely.

via Reddit
And if you are still thinking to yourself that this is no big deal then check out just what happens if a volcano decides to get jiggy, with the recent eruption of Mount Tavurvur volcano on August 29th, 2014.
Captured by Phil McNamara. Just be grateful you were nowhere near that.