The Hilarious Guy Who Photobombs Stock Photos Is Back And He Really Needs Your Help
Matt Vescovo is known as the Stock Photobomber and he's rightfully earned that name because he likes to place himself in standard stock photos to turn them from boring into comedic brilliance.
He always positions himself in just the right place, pulling just the right silly expression or pose. And now the 45-year-old former art director really needs your help, he needs you to give something back to all the joy he's given you.
He's recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a hard copy book featuring his finest work. And he needs donations to fund more stock photobombs and the costs of getting a book manufactured and published.
"I find that when I look at stock photos, I experience the same uncomfortable feeling I have when a bank teller asks me with a forced smile, how my morning is goin' or when I eat soy based meatloaf." he writes in the Kickstarter. "It’s not simply that my teller’s greeting and the meat substitute are fake, it’s how hard they pretend that they’re not - that bothers me. I can no longer sit idly by as the phonies and fakes of the world go unpunished. Which is why I need to publish this book. I'm sure you understand as you yourself have been assaulted by bad stock photography on a daily basis. My response... with Photoshop 6.0 and my own raw emotion I give stock photos what they are missing... a soul."
You can give to the Kickstarter here. And check out some of his new photobombs below.