Guy Places Absurd And Hilarious Fake Halloween Costume Descriptions In Real Shop
It's Halloween very soon, which means people will be dressing up in all kinds of costumes. Some of those costumes will be great, some of them will be utterly crap, some of them will be "sexy."
A lot of it depends on whether you're the sort of creative person who can make their own, or whether you'll go to a shop and buy one cheap. Yep, i know, we'll probably see each other in the queue.
But getting a last-minute costume does come with it's own risks, chances are all the good ones will have already been bought and to make it worse you will probably be in a rush.
So maybe you won't be paying the attention you should be and realize just what it is you are purchasing.
Obvious Plant, aka Jeff Wysaski, has been busy and created a Halloween version of his usual schtick of planting fake descriptions for goods and products in different stores.
This time he's mocked up fake Halloween costume descriptions and placed them in a real costume shop.
All of them will have you laughing. But Sexy Potato, ftw.