Guy Has Seizure While Skydiving And Is Saved By Quick-Thinking Instructor
When skydiving, one of the things you definitely don't want to happen is to have a seizure midair. But that's exactly what an Australian man called Christopher Jones had to endure, posting the footage of what happened to YouYube.
It took place while he was working on his Accelerated Free Fall program, but thankfully a quick-thinking instructor came to his rescue. The footage is terrifying, so you can only imagine the horror Jones was going through.
Here's what he posed to YouTube:
Possibly the scariest moment of my life. On the 14th of November 2014 while doing stage five of my Accelerated Free Fall program I have a near death experience. At around 9000ft I have a seizure while attempting a left hand turn. I then spend the next 30 seconds in free fall unconscious. Thankfully my jumpmaster manages to pull my ripcord at around 4000ft. I become conscious at 3000 ft and land safely back to the ground.
The jumpmaster was no doubt bought a beer or fifty after they all landed and made it to the nearest bar.