Here's Hoping Your Thanksgiving Is Going A Lot Better Than The Families In This Hilarious Video
This is the true meaning of Thanksgiving, burnt turkeys, cranberry sauce all over the kitchen floor, that sense of bloating that can only come after you've eaten your body-weight in home cooked food, and annoying family members. It's something that all Americans look forward to every year, just as long as there are no disasters.
Unfortunately the mix of family, food, kids and too much alcohol will go a long way to make misfortune of the funny kind, Thanksgiving is a time that has fueled shows like America's Funniest Home Videos for many years.
And then the internet arrived. And now it fuels that. So make sure you have your smartphone at the ready this Thanksgiving, so you can record any disasters that take place so humanity can laugh at them in a compilation video uploaded to the internet.
Here is one such compilation that even throws in the odd zombie turkey outbreak for good measure. So beware the zombie turkey outbreak this Thanksgiving, it could really put a downer on the day. YouTuber Marca Blanca does his best to show just how bad it can go when it goes really wrong. And it's seriously hilarious.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.