Hey Carl!—35 Hilarious Reasons Why The Classic Walking Dead Carl Meme Will Never Die
AMC's The Walking Dead is ripe for making into memes, and The Walking Dead Carl Meme ('Hey Coral') with it's hilarious take on dad jokes between Carl and his father Rick is perhaps the best of them all with the hilarious Hey Carl meme (or 'Hey Coral' if you say it in a Rick Grimes voice).
Sure there have been others along with plenty of mashups, jokes, and humorous clips like a Lego remake, a 'Carl Poppa' music video (which is great by the way), through to a Bad Lip Reading parody of the show.
But none of these come close to the genius that is the The Walking Dead Carl Meme (or Coral meme) that has been with us since November 14th, 2012 when YouTuber MichiganSt35 uploaded a clip (video above) from The Walking Dead (Season 3, Episode 4) of Rick Grimes bawling after his wife dies titled "Rick finds out Carl is gay."
Within two weeks BuzzFeed highlighted several multi-pane comics from The Walking Dead featuring Rick Grimes telling his son Carl various dad jokes and the 'Hey Carl' meme was born. While Carl's job in the memes is to stand their looking like he wants his dad to shut up.
There are hundreds of user uploads for The Walking Dead Carl Meme to be found on the internet and many more being uploaded every day which goes to prove that, dammit, this meme is not going to go the way of the dinosaur anytime soon (Reddit even has their own special place for the latest uploaded creations).
The 30+ pictures below are (in our opinion) some of the best examples of The Walking Dead Carl Meme that have been uploaded to date and totally encapsulate the whole 'Walking Dad' jokes. Enjoy.
Update!!! This post has proved so popular that we are adding a few The Walking Dead season 7 'Coral' jokes.
The Classic Walking Dead Carl Meme ('Hey Coral')

And finally--You also have to love the way that Rick always calls his son 'Coral'

Images via Imgflip.com