Honest Game Trailers Really Don't Like 'Clash of Clans' In Their Latest Video
It might be your current favorite smartphone game, but in the past, an addictive game constituted one that was incredibly fun and made you want to play it. Now, an addictive game is one that is incredibly boring and forces you to pay actual money just to make progress.
So don't expect any punches being pulled in Smosh Games and Screen Junkies take down of MMO for cellphones Clash of Clans. (You can't help but get the feeling that whoever made this has donated a lot of money in their time to the Clash of Clans cause).
Calling it "everything wrong with the game industry in one convenient location" they make no bones about slating the shameless way the game requires you to spend, spend, spend—and upgrade–to progress.
It's honest in the most brutal sense of that word, you almost feel like they've got a personal vendetta against this one. You can feel the burn. Maybe they have kids who have nearly financially ruined them by playing this sorry excuse for a game.
Either way, it's good, wholesome, deriding fun.

However, don't tell Liam Neeson about this because he won't be happy, and if you don't believe me take a look at the as he did for Clash of Clans: Revenge (Official Super Bowl TV Commercial) a while back. Be afraid.