Illustrator Leaves Inspirational Post-It Notes Telling Random People How Awesome They Are
Chances are there are many times in your day when you need some inspiration. That mid-afternoon slump, on a packed train while commuting to the office, when a pile of work has been dumped your way.
Chances are you often don't find that inspiration. Well, maybe you might. October Jones (aka Joe Butcher), illustrator and creator of the hilarious Texts from Dog, has taken to drawing uplifting messages on post-it notes from a character he's created called Peppy the Inspirational Cat.
He then puts these motivational messages in the trays on the back of train seats (and occasionally other places).
Then when fellow commuters pull it down to rest their drink on, they're greeted by how awesome they are.
It would be the perfect note to find on a grey Monday morning, something to raise a smile and be cheered by.