Jeb Bush Hands Internet Photoshopping A Gift By Standing In Front Of Green Screen While Pointing
It's probably not often the internet welcomes a picture of Jeb Bush, but in this case things were a little different when Jeb visited an Iowa TV station, and tweeted a picture of himself standing in front of a green screen while pointing at a TV.
In doing so he practically handed Reddit's PhotoshopBattle sub a gift saying please, please PLEASE! photoshop me into ridiculous situations. Please.
And, of course, Reddit's ever-eager photoshoppers were only too happy to oblige. So they dusted off their copies of Photoshop which, to be honest, probably weren't that dusty at all (and if we are honest were probably not registered with Adobe either) and set about with making Jeb look silly.
Which doesn't take too much, but they rose to the challenge nonetheless and worked the image over with their usual irreverent hilarity. And the results were hilarious.
It was another exemplary display of wit and inanity. May there be many more.
Here's the original.

And here's some of the photoshopped fun.

Strangely, Jeb Bush heard about the battle and even chose his favorite. Which is both weird and a sign of the times.