Recent Discoveries Show That Jesus Had The Best Marketing Team There Was & This Video Proves It
Jesus was the greatest brand of his time. It's just no one really realised it. Except, of course, his marketing team who were behind some of his best stunts, like changing water into wine, healing the blind, and the loaves an feeding the multitude with the loaves and the fishes.
And all this with no media buying whatsoever. In this video an ad agency imagines what it might've been like if Jesus had the slick media executives and creatives that brands have now.
Creatives who can suggest things like, it might be beneficial if the Savior walks on water for his next trick, which he's naturally a little apprehensive about. But he's the Lord, he can do anything.
Jesus deliberates the latest stunt and says, "But if i die doing this you'd better bring me back to life". After a dramatic pause the marketing team respond, "We can do that!"
And the rest is history.