Justin Bieber's Butt Becomes A Meme After He Posts Naked Photo On Instagram
Justin Bieber decided to moon his 32 million Instagram followers yesterday. Now, while you may not have wanted to see Bieber's naked cheeks, lots of people did and the photo is currently sitting on two million likes.
That photo of you looking fine by the pool in Mexico that got 80 likes doesn't seem so great now, huh?
Anyway, Bieber flashed the flesh while vacationing in Bora Bora with the caption "Look". And that's exactly what many of his followers did, while also getting mildly hysterical.
They also wanted to know what the front view looked like, there's even an Instagram account called @turnaroundjustin which is "Dedicated to Justin's beautiful assets." And There was also hashtag #LetsSeeTheRestOnShot asking Bieber to share any more naked pics he might be holding on to..
As well as the fans going insane, because this is the internet we're talking about, the next step after the hysteria had died down was to flood the web with memes.
Here's the original photo.

And here's the internet's reactions to #BieberButt
yeah I'd have that expression if i saw Jerry too ? #turnaroundjustin
Oh my gosh hahahahaha #turnaroundjustin
Me trying to hold Jerry #turnaroundjustin
Look! Found Waldo ? #turnaroundjustin
Let's hope we get a pic of Jerry soon ?? #turnaroundjustin
IM ACTUALLY DEAD HAHAH #turnaroundjustin
HAHAHAHAHA #turnaroundjustin
Battle of the Booty's #turnaroundjustin
When you waiting for the water in the shower to get hot #turnaroundjustin
This though #turnaroundjustin
Justin in Justin #turnaroundjustin
Even Miley Cyrus couldn't help joining in on the fun, posting the following.