#KardBlock—Block Any Mention Of The Kardashians With This Much-Needed Browser Extension
Not a day goes by when the Kardashians don't pop up in your newsfeed or somewhere online when your browsing and minding your own. Now, finally, there's a way to stop it. KardBlock is basically AdBlock targeted specifically at the Kardashian family.
The bad news is the browser extension isn't ready just yet, but James Shamsi is building it. He's even looking for coders to help him, if you want to service humanity and apply.
"We don't care about how Kanye & Kim didn't care when Amy Schumer 'fell over'." says the website. "We don't care about who the Kardashians are or aren't sleeping with. We don't care that Kim dyed her hair blonde. We don't care about the Kardashians."
While James expresses disgust for most of the Kardashian family, he does make an exception for Bruce Jenner, “We do however care about raising awareness of transexuality, the one benefit of the Kardashians,” he writes.
I guess there's no accounting for taste, eh?
The website also says they're working on a Justin Bieber blocker too. They're late to the party on that though, FAT Lab already created Shaved Bieber a few years back. But he did make headlines last year for putting his resume on Tinder.
They also created Pop Block, which lets you block whatever content you want using a browser extension.