Kate Upton Exercising While Her Trainer Stares Transfixed Sparks Internet Photoshop Battle
Kate Upton exercising isn't the most newsworthy of events, especially when it comes to some of the other assets that she is famous for, but the internet helped turn her gym routine into something much more noteworthy.
It all started with an image of Upton's personal trainer staring at her butt while she did squats (for purely professional reasons i assume?). But then it got uploaded to Reddit and their army of photoshoppers worked their creative, and immature, magic on the scene.
It's unfortunate for the personal trainer, who got caught looking, but that's what happens when you're a trainer to a super model, photographers are always going to snoop.
So there's always the potential to get caught when you're perving out.
Unfortunate for him, but a goldmine to pillage for photoshopping Redditors.
Here's the original:

And here's the photoshopped fun.