Kellyanne Conway Microwave Comment Gets Ridiculed By Twitter And Becomes The Latest Meme
Nowhere, it seems, is safe from the prying eyes of intelligence agencies not even your kitchen, at least according to that Kellyanne Conway microwave comment she made recently about government surveillance techniques. President Trump's Senior Counselor made the remark during an interview with The Bergen Record, when talking about Trump's claim that his campaign HQ in New York was wiretapped by the Obama administration.
The interviewer asked, “Do you know if Trump Tower was wiretapped?” and Conway answered by making a reference to the Wikileaks claims about the CIA using advanced malware programs in smartphones, computers, and even Samsung smart TVs to covertly spy on people.
"What I can say is there are many ways to surveil each other now, unfortunately." she said. "There was an article this week that talked about how you can surveil someone through their phones, through their — certainly through their television sets, any number of different ways, and microwaves that turn into cameras, etc., so we know that that is just a fact of modern life."
The Microwave Comment Hits Twitter

And so it was the Kellyanne Conway microwave is a camera phrase that Twitter seized on and began to mock.
Because, well, it's just not true. Conway has since clarified what she meant saying her comments had been taken out of context. “I’m not Inspector Gadget,” she told CNN. “I don’t believe people are using the microwave to spy on the Trump campaign.” The question i'm sure some conspiracy theorists are thinking is 'did the CIA tell her to retract that statement because she's inadvertently revealed a top secret project to the press?'
Sure the CIA have been accused of using internet-connected devices in their surveillance of suspects and targets, but microwaves are not one of those devices. Or at least that's what they want us to think.
Still, while the Kellyanne Conway microwave comment has caused her some trouble, it has meant a lot of other people have had a good chuckle at it, turning it into a hilarious Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme.
Check out some of the fun people had with her comment on Twitter below.
The Best Kellyanne Conway Microwave Memes
#KellyanneConway I thought the whole microwaves spying on us was bunk till I caught my stove & microwave battling it out this morning...
The clock on my microwave hasn't been set to a time in years. I assume it's cause the FBI always knows the time. #KellyanneConway
Breaking news! #kellyanneconway produces PROOF that Obama was spying on Trump via the microwave take that libs!
2008: You Can See Russia From Alaska- SarahPalin 2017: Your Microwave Is Spying On You- #KellyanneConway GOP- You've Come A Long Way, Baby!
Me to Microwave: Hey, you've been my cook for a long time so I hate to ask, but #KellyanneConway said you are a government spy? Microwave:
Obama knows all the cool spy tricks! #kellyanneMicrowave #TrumpRussia #ObamaGate #microwave #microwavetapping #TrumpDoh #kellyanneconway
#microwave #KellyanneConway I reheated my burrito in the microwave and when I came back for it I found it had been deported!

Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme image via Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme image via Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme image via Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme image via Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme image via Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme image via Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway Microwave meme image via Twitter.