Listen To Grindcore Band Corrupt Leaders' New 3 Minute-Long EP With Guest Vocals From The Singer's Mom
Remember that grindcore band Corrupt Leaders who got the singer's mom to do guest vocals? The video of her guttural howls went viral and now they've recently released their new EP Grindmother—which means you get to hear her finished vocals which open the first track "Black Cloud."
Brevity is the name of the game when it comes to grindcore, it seems. Each track is between 30 to 50 seconds long making the entire EP only three minutes in total.
But you don't need songs to go on for 10 minutes. It's like Tommy Ramone said about The Ramones' music: "We play short songs and short sets for people who don't have a lot of spare time." Plus you don't want your throat getting red raw.
The result is a pounding roar of a record, that needs to be played as loud as possible to upset as many neighbors as you can.

We fired off a few questions to singer Rain Forest to find out what makes a great grindcore track, how Forest's mom got involved in the first place, and what's next for her.
Smash: How did your mom end up getting involved in the vocals?
Rain Forest: We were having a coffee together and I asked her if she was down to record a couple of screams. The recording gear was already setup since I had been tracking vocals for the EP. It was a spur of the moment idea and she's a pretty fun, open-minded lady, so she gave it a try. It was as simple as that.
How impressed were you with her efforts?
For her first try, I think she was great. You can see on the video that she warms up as it goes. After a few tries she was really giving it! A promoter I know, who has seen thousands of bands, says she goes harder than a lot of vocalists out there. We put her scream right at the beginning of the record, so that's gotta say something.
What does it take to be a grindcore lead vocalist?
Anyone with a microphone can do it, but the best singers have the versatility to do both high and low vocals, commanding stage presence, and the endurance to keep it up! I'm a fan of more insightful, conscious type of lyrics but then there's goregrind which is more about blood and guts and stuff like that, so there's a pretty wide spectrum there.
What, in your opinion, are the essential components of a great grindcore song?
Most people would probably say blast beats and pummeling riffs, but the thing I love about grind is that there's no formula. It's all in the delivery. It could just be a simple punk beat, as long as it's got that punch to it. There's more room for experimentation than some of the other closely related genres like death metal or crust punk.

Is there an album due out?
We're still in the early writing stages, but we do plan to release a full LP next. We had some lineup changes last year and we put this EP together pretty quickly, mainly to give people an idea of where our sound is headed.
Will your mom be making any more grindcore records?
We don't plan to beat this whole thing to death, but it was a lot of fun and she wants to do more, so perhaps a side project? She's been writing some lyrics and wants to try recording some actual words next time.
Listen to the grindcore EP below. And you can follow the band and find out more info on their Facebook page.