Dad Adrian Sommeling Photoshops His Son Into Epic Adventures In These Amazing Pictures
Any dad would do anything for their son, but unlike these amazing pictures by Dad Adrian Sommeling using his Photoshop skills, most fathers don't have the ability to make them 100ft tall or turn them into Spider-Man. No doubt they would if they could, and photographer and Photoshop expert Adrian Sommeling can. So he does.
Sommeling is a master of the art of digital manipulation and uses his skills to create fantastical, surreal images set in crazy scenarios, creating a series of amazing pictures featuring his son, and often himself too.
In these digitally altered photos his son gets to be a giant using the sun as a tennis ball. Or fly on a magic carpet. He gets to do bullet time with a Nerf gun or hang on the side of a train as it rushes along a platform.
In this way Sommeling, who is based in the Netherlands, allows his son to have all kinds of incredible adventures across a variety of different locations, all adding up to a unique and quirky collection of amazing pictures. And it will certainly make for a more interesting, if somewhat fictional, family album.
Adrian Sommeling Talks About His Amazing Pictures

Talking about where he gets his inspiration from, Sommeling said in an interview with Phlearn, "Everything inspires me. Everything that has a bit of humour in it. But as you can see in my images, most of the time it is my son. He inspires me in a way that, when I see him growing up I see myself, and remember the things that I liked or wanted to do as a child. But like I often tell people at my workshops, in almost every situation where you can laugh, you can create a photo. You only have to see it in front of you and visualize, and make it catchy."
As well as practising his photography and digital art, as he notes in the quote above, Sommeling also travels the world giving workshops on how to do both those things and create your own amazing pictures. And if you're wondering, to create his images he uses an Olympus OMD e-m1 and 12-40 mm M.Zuiko lens, sometimes shooting with a tripod or speedlight. While also saying that his work is around "60/70% photography and 40/30% post processing." If you want to learn how he does it you can purchase tutorials from his website.
Check out Sommeling's amazing pictures below and visit his website, Facebook, and Instagram for more.
Dad Photoshops Himself & Son Into Epic Adventures

All images: Adrian Sommeling