#BaconPizza - Little Caesars Introduces Deep Dish Pizza Wrapped In Over 3 Feet Of Bacon
If in doubt wrap it in bacon. That's pretty much the only culinary rule you need to know when it comes to cooking. Pizza chain Little Caesars knows that only too well and are releasing a new deep dish pizza with the crust smothered in 3.5 feet of bacon.
Just typing about it is giving me heart palpitations.
The Bacon Wrapped Crust Deep! Deep! Dish Pizza will cost $12 and is making its greasy debut on 23rd February. It will feature not only a crust wrapped in salty cured oink meat but will have bacon sprinkles on top and pepperoni too. I think this GIF summarises it best.

"Every time you take a bite out of the crust, you'll get bacon," Little Caesars' CEO David Scrivano told USA Today.
That and, according to the same USA Today article, 450 calories, 23 grams of fat, 830 milligrams of sodium, and 40 milligrams of cholesterol in just one slice.

It's the latest in a long line of OTT freaky junk food, like KFC's hotdog wrapped in fried chicken, which are probably best left for those with high metabolisms or just generally very high.
If that hasn't satiated your bacon-fest appetite then join Jimmy Kimmel (below) and check out some of the ads they’ve been running to promote this - we give them a lot of credit for the unorthodox approach.