Luke Skywalker Belts Out Celine Dion's 'All By Myself' In Hilarious Force Awakens Alternate Ending
For those who have seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and by now presumably everyone has, the ending was quite something. It was also quite the cliffhanger, both in terms of narrative and in terms of where Luke was standing—one thing it wasn't was very humorous.
But now thanks to the internet that lack of humor has been addressed— that, along with the distinct lack of Luke Skywalker singing power ballad "All By Myself."
In a parody video by DavidUngerMusic we see Rey arrive at that island that Luke's hermited himself away on, but instead of delivering the Jedi master his long-lost lightsaber, Rey holds out a microphone.
She also brings a boombox along so Luke can croon out the very fitting "All By Myself," made famous by Celine Dion and now given new comedic meaning in this context.
As Luke delivers the high notes it has a devastating, Starkiller Base-style effect on various planets and solar systems which seemingly explode with the raw pent up feeling of isolation that Luke has injected into the song.
It obviously comes from having spent all that time alone as Very Lonely Luke.
It all adds up to an alternate ending that doesn't quite have the emotional resonance of the original one, but it's a darn sight more hilarious.