Married Dad Of Two Falls In Love With His Sex Doll Mistress, Takes Her Everywhere He Goes
Falling in love is a wonderful thing, of course it can be a problem if it isn't with the person you are married to, but sometimes that can happen. But as the video above states, "They say love is blind, but can it also be synthetic?"
Although 61-year-old Senji Nakajima from Nagano, Japan is a married man (and father of two children) his affections lie elsewhere. And that is with his mistress, a mistress that takes the form of a silicon sex doll.
Called Saori the rubber doll was originally bought around six years ago to keep Nakajima company (i.e. have sex with) while he was away on business. But after those six years Nakajima says their relationship moved on from the purely physical. He is now in love with this rubberized woman, haven fallen for her personality.
So they did what most couples do, they moved in together.
The pair now share an apartment and they also share a bed. Not only that but Nakajima enjoys taking Saori out and about, again like most couples. They go to the shops, to the boating lake, Nakajima chooses her outfits, new wigs, carting her around in a wheelchair so she can get about. Back at their home he bathes her and likes to spend romantic nights in, dressing her up for the occasion.
“She never betrays, not after only money. I’m tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless." Nakajima says. "For me, she is more than a doll. Not just a silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life."
These types of silicon dolls, called Dutch Wives, can cost over $5000, they can be totally customized, choosing hair color, even breast size. They've been growing in popularity in Asia, and people have seen men taking them for walks in the park or to the cinema for a movie. Nakajima, it seems, has taken it all to a next level though.
You just wonder what his wife and kids make of it all.