Millie The Cat Is So Adventurous She Goes Rock Climbing In Utah With Her Owner
Most cats like to climb, but scaling a rock faces with a harness? No, not likely. But then Millie the cat isn't really your average moggy. Millie and her owner Craig Armstrong have scaled and hiked across many of Utah's trails and mountainous landmarks.
And even when they are not off climbing high peaks Millie likes to put in a bit of practice at home by climbing the sheer vertical wall of the house they live in.
Often attached to her owner's harnesss, she scales rocks and boulders fearlessly leaping across gaps like a pro. "She literally loves to climb things… if there’s high-ground she’ll seek it out,” Armstrong told Bored Panda. "Generally she does best on slabby routes where she can scramble from ledge to ledge. She’s an incredible athlete but steep juggy routes just aren’t her thing. When bouldering, though, she’s done some pretty amazing gaps and dynos."
Yep, this is a cat we're talking about. A cat who is "a techniquey climber with powerful bursts." I wish someone would say that about me.
You've got to hand it to Millie though, it beats laying around in the sun waiting for food from your human. She puts your average house cat to shame. She puts us all to shame.
And you can follow Millies' further adventures on Instagram.

It could be a distant cousin? If so it runs in the family. 7 year old Milly from Scotland, UK, scales up the wall of her house to get on to the roof.