Mum Shields Son From Seeing Breasts On TV, Gets Turned Into Hilarious Meme
You can understand a parent not wanting their young child to see naked breasts on the television and thus covering said TV up with a towel to protect them from such things. But what about if you were a 22-year-old man? Oh, and you were gay as well?
That's what happened to Redditor DantesInfernape who was savvy enough to snap a photo of his mom doing the deed and post the pic to Reddit.

It didn't take long for someone to comment "Someone photoshop her censoring other things."—and that was all the instruction Reddit needed.
Before long photoshopped pics of the mom holding her modesty-saving towel over various images—from classical paintings to Kim Jong-un to Rihanna's butt—flooded in.
Check out some of the funniest below.