Did NASA Accidentally Reveal Their Code Name For Aliens In A Live ISS Feed?
A conspiracy theory has brewed among UFO enthusiasts after a live recording of the International Space Station featured a "nervous" astronaut supposedly revealing NASA's secret code word for UFOs, which is "gospel."
According to Scott Waring, who runs UFO Sightings Daily, the live feed from 22nd July 2016 made some unusual references to the word, which isn't normally used by astronauts and ground control in their daily discussions with one another.
The astronaut, who is believed to be Commander Jeff Williams says, "On a personal level I look forward to this partnership with the gospel, really around the world.”
This also coincided with the appearance in the feed of a strange dot of light, which people have claimed is the UFO being referred to.
"I've just recorded this and it's really amazing." says Waring. "A UFO appears outside the space station on live cam, just as the astronaut was preaching the gospel to ground control."
He also says that he's recorded ground control saying "We will pray for you" to which the astronaut replies that they're in his prayers too. Waring then says it's odd as he's never heard religious talk from NASA or astronauts before. Then people in the comments point out that, actually, "gospel" could be a codeword for aliens and that's what they're all referring to.
UFO hunters have pondered that Commander Jeff Williams' reference to looking "forward to this partnership with the gospel" is a coded reference to NASA contacting the UFO/dot of light and then meeting up with them.
If it all sounds a bit too far-fetched for you, many people have pointed out that the UFO is probably just lens flare, and maybe, who knows, the astronaut is just religious? Boring but probably more likely.