Who Needs A Computer Mouse When You Have Ozzy The Adorable Desk Weasel
Most people might have a mouse on their desktop and it's used to navigate around their computer screen, but this guy has got an actual live weasel. OK so it's not so good at moving a pointer around on his display, but it's much more interesting and fun.
Sure a desk weasel is going to be a huge distraction rather than helping when it comes to getting any work done, but who cares because he's amazing. Just watch him scuttle and squirm about on this desk and tell me your day isn't getting better already.
Plus telling your boss the report he wanted on his desk by 1PM is late because of a desk weasel is the best excuse ever. And lets face it, with one of these cuties on your desk to amuse you the chances of getting any work done whatsoever are pretty slim.
Like any animal worth their internet salt these days, Ozzy the Weasel has his own Facebook page and a YouTube channel set up by his owner Frisco68, dedicated to showing off his adorable ways, like attacking a soft toy or dancing.
But if you're getting any ideas about adopting a baby weasel yourself, think again. They're not pets. "Disclaimer: A weasel is not a pet." says Frisco68. "They hate being locked up, they're not friendly when hungry. Don't get one. Seriously. Ozzy is a special case rescue baby. Cute, but deadly."
Very cute.

Lastly, don't think that all this cute fun is restricted to work only. Once you get home from a hard(?) day's work Ozzy will entertain you for hours with his 'war dance' antics, as seen in this cute video below.