Watch A Nut Shot Compilation Perfectly Set To The Sounds Of 'Solsbury Hill' By Peter Gabriel
As Homer Simpson can attest a nut shot, like a football in the groin, is a classic trope of visual comedy, lets face it, everyone loves a kick in the nuts. It might not be the cleverest joke, but it's guaranteed to get a laugh. Of course, that doesn't include the guy getting the actual nut shot, but comedy often requires a sacrifice.
And while one nut shot is funny, multiple nut shots are a lot funnier. Which means a whole compilation centered around testicle trauma is going to leave you with an aching face where you've been smiling so much. And, perhaps, feeling some sympathy for the guys taking one in the family jewels. But probably not.
But what elevates this nut shot compilation above the many others to be found on Youtube is that it's set to the sounds of Peter Gabriel's song 'Solsbury Hill'—which might seem a strange choice, considering it's about the ex-Genesis singer having some kind of spiritual experience atop an Iron Age hill fort in England. But, it kind of makes much more sense when you take the following quote into consideration.
The Nut Shot And Solsbury Hill Connection

"It's about being prepared to lose what you have for what you might get, or what you are for what you might be." Gabriel has said about the meaning behind 'Solsbury Hill.' And in this instance that means from being totally happy and enjoying, say, a baseball game or a round of ping pong with your buddies, to being in terrible pain because you've taken an unexpected whack in the testes.
At least, that's one way to interpret it. I can guarantee that whenever you hear the lyrics - "My heart going boom boom boom, 'Hey' he said "Grab your things, I've come to take you home" - from song after this you will always remember this video. But, you know, whatever because Gabriel's classic 'Solsbury Hill' just seems to add some comic pathos to this four and a half minutes of nut shot after nut shot. But most of all makes it all so much more entertaining too.
You can thank Stefan Heck, cohost of Real Good Show a sports talk comedy podcast, for it as he made the nut shot compilation video. You can check out his podcast here.