The Future Looks Amazing As 'PBS Off Book' Explores the New Rules of Robot/Human Society
Robots being integrated into human society on a day-to-day level is often the musings of science-fiction, but as robotics and AI become ever more advanced, we have to consider the ethical implications that arise from having robots as part of our communities and interacting with us.
This PBS Off Book episode is an insightful and thought-provoking look at how we should treat them, who would be responsible for their actions and other moral conundrums.
As technology speeds forward, humans are beginning to imagine the day when robots will fill the roles promised to us in science fiction.
But what should we be thinking about TODAY, as robots like military and delivery drones become a real part of our society?
How should robots be programmed to interact with us? How should we treat robots? And who is responsible for a robot's actions?
As we look at the unexpected impact of new technologies, we are obligated as a society to consider the moral and ethical implications of robotics.

Peter Asaro, PhD Assistant Professor, The New School -
Wendell Wallach, Ethicist & Scholar, Yale University's Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics -
Kate Darling, Robot Ethics Researcher, MIT Media Lab -