Peeqo Is A Voice-Activated Desktop Robot Assistant That Communicates Entirely In GIFs
There's no shortage of personal assistants on the market, be it Siri, the Amazon Echo, a holographic anime character, or a home robot designed by a Pixar animator. But now there's a new bot in town, and it's a GIF bot.
Designed and built by Abhishek Singh the open source robot assistant, contained in a 3D printed shell, has a conversational UI meaning he can respond to voice commands, but his answers will always be GIF animations.
As well as responding to questions he also plays music through Spotify—and adorably sways along to it too—and comments on your browsing. He can also communicate using simple sounds and flashing LEDs, but it's his GIF expressions that are the real intrigue.
"The world’s first and (currently) only robot to respond entirely through GIFs, this little bot is a fun desktop assistant for those who spend way too many hours in front of the computer and often need some delight and entertainment to get through the day." says Singh. "Think of him as the love child of Amazon Echo and a Disney character."
In a video showing Peeqo in action Singh tells the little bot to wake up, and on the bot's screen a GIF of Game of Thrones' Jon Snow waking from his eternal slumber is shown. It's a lot of fun, all brought to life thanks to the bot's Raspberry Pi brain. Peeqo also has two Arduino Mini's for movement, four mics, a camera, and a USB speaker.
And the great thing is, this is just the beginning for Peeqo, because the fact that he's open source means coders and creative technologists can play around with the tech, developing it further in all kinds of intriguing directions.
You can check out Singh's post on Imgur to find out exactly how he built him. And check out some of Peeqo's expressions below.