Celebrities Without Teeth - Disturbing Photos Of Toothless Tinsletowners Are Absurdly Amusing
You never really think about how important teeth are to how we look. But they are very important. Case in point are these photos of well-known celebrities, but with a shocking difference, their teeth have been removed. At least, some of their teeth are removed.
Some of them still have their bottom row, but still. The results are startling. They're at once hilarious, like the celebs have been turned into some kind of human Muppets, while also being totally disturbing.
The conclusion is, teeth are important, and not just because they help you chew. There are other more cosmetic reasons for their importance.
Not to be shallow, but they're totally important when it comes to aesthetics. Take them away and even the most beautiful people on the planet look like freaks and monsters. And god knows what they must sound like when they talk?
Seeing them without is both transfixing yet abominable.
Can't. Stop. Looking.