Amazing Photoshopped Drone Photos Turn A City Into Trippy Inception Scenes
These images by Turkish photographer Aydın Büyüktaş may look like they're from 2010's Inception but the inspiration for them actually goes a lot further back.
Büyüktaş was inspired by 19th century writer Edwin Abbott, who imagined a two-dimensional world where geometric figures lived in his 1884 satirical novel Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions.
To create his distorted cityscapes where the land seems to bend upwards into the sky, Büyüktaş takes multiple images using a drone and then stitches them together. And you have to admit, the results are incredible.
He does this by first creating a 3D graphic of Istanbul, the Turkish capital, so he can get the right camera positions. Then he sends out his drone to take the images.
Once he has the images he then makes his collages using Photoshop, warping and changing the buildings and infrastructure that, bending it into trippy versions of stadiums, mosques and other landmarks.
While Aydın is interested in Photography, he also has been continuing his academic education at the department of photography of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University since 2012.
You can check out some of them below. And head to Büyüktaş' website for more of his work.