POTUS In A Bathrobe Inspires Very Amusing Reddit Donald Trump Photoshop Battle
Another day, another Donald Trump Photoshop battle. At this rate it's going to be a great 4 years. You've know doubt seen the photo of a youngish Donald Trump reclining on a bed in a white bathrobe. It's been in plenty of Trump memes that have been circulating the internet. And now someone uploaded it to Reddit's PSBattle sub. It's the perfect (almost too perfect) recipe for some amusing social media mocking.
So it's become the latest Donald Trump Photoshop Battle to inspire Reddit's creative community. He's been providing quite a bit of fodder for various PSBattles, all of them undeniably hilarious.
This latest one is prime material for Reddit to do their worst (or best, depending on how you view these).
How The Trump Bathrobe Story Started

And it comes off the back of Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer denying a report in The New York Times that the POTUS wears a bathrobe while watching TV in the White House. Their report stated "He is almost always by himself, sometimes in the protective presence of his imposing longtime aide and former security chief, Keith Schiller. When Mr. Trump is not watching television in his bathrobe or on his phone he is marking up negative news reports with a black Sharpie"
Spicer was later quoted giving his response by CNN on their Youtube channel saying "the piece is riddled with falsehoods, Trump doesn't even own a bathrobe."
So obviously Spicer called the article "fake news" and even though he said the President didn't even own a bathrobe, it could be possible that on this point he might be just a tiny bit 'wrong'. Period.
Because it certainly looks like Trump's wearing something akin to a bathrobe in the image below.

The Reddit Donald Trump Photoshop Battle