'Is This For Real?' - YouTuber Pupinia Stewart Only Wants Americanish Spoken In The World
According to Pupinia Stewart the world should be speaking a language she likes to call Americanish. Sure you may argue whether that's even a language, but for this Americanish girl, it is. Stewart ruminates on this subject and much more on her YouTube channel Our Third Life where she also ponders deep and meaningful questions about England and The Sims.
Questions like, is gravity in England different because it's closer to Jupiter than the USA? Don't answer that, because Pupinia Stewart already has, and she believes it is different. So it must be true.
She also wonders why the Sims 3 Generations Game Expansion pack weighs 15lbs in the UK when the US versions weighs nowhere near that?
They're both good if entirely baffling questions. And just some of the many, many questions you'll be grappling with after watching Ms Stewart's videos.
So Should We All Be Talking Americanish?

In one of her videos Pupinia Stewart says some really, really dumb things while talking about the "language barrier" between her and her English friend she talks to on AIM (does anyone still use that?). And that's where the whole Sims Expansion Pack conundrum comes up, as she wonders why the game weighs so much, because her friend says it's "15 pounds."
"The thing I'm wondering is, why does it weigh so much?" she ponders. "Does it have to do with where England is located? So like, if you know the solar system, America's in the middle, and England is the closest to the sun I think. So maybe there's a possibility that there's a difference in gravity or something?"
Of course "pounds" in England is a reference to their currency and the cost of the game, nothing to do with weight. And this all ties in with Stewart's other video where she thinks that we should all be talking Americanish. Because if we did, then we wouldn't have all these language problems and misunderstandings. So, yeah, according to this Americanish Girl we should all be speaking "American."
Is Pupinia Stewart For Real?

Now, your initial reaction to the questions Pupinia Stewart is asking is to put your head in your hands and start lamenting the youth of today, etc, etc. How can someone be that stupid? A fluent Americanish girl, who ever heard of such a thing!
But as it turns out Stewart's not so dumb as she presents herself to be. She is in fact joking around, putting on a character, pretending to be a dumb teen. When in fact she's a master troll who with her Americanish girl video managed to convince Reddit that she genuinely thought people should speak Americanish.
But really, we are the fools for being tricked. Pupinia Stewart actually has lots of comedy videos where she deadpans on various subjects while playing this character of a clueless teen.
Pupinia Stewart And Our Third Life

According to website Know Your Meme, "Our Third Life is a YouTube channel featuring satirical confession vlogs by hosts Pupinia Stewart, Schmitty Winkleson and Steven Skyhard. Some videos on the channel have been widely circulated online under the misconception that they are not satirical."
Like, for instance, her "Donald Trump is a Bad Boyfriend."
Or how about finding out you are a vegetarian while eating a hamburger.
Or her thoughts on running away from home.
And here is her Americanish video. Well done Americanish girl, you got us on that one. You can check out more of Pupinia Stewart's videos on her YouTube channel.