'Unlifting' Hilarity--Revel In The Misanthropic Beauty Of These Werner Herzog Inspirationals
Motivational posters are anything but motivational. Insipid, yes. Annoying, violence-inducing, and just plain dumb, yes. And it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll see at least one of these culprits every time you check your newsfeed on Facebook.
But this Tumblr, called Werner Herzog Inspirationals, which puts the German filmmaker's existential ruminations about life, love, and the universe over pretty pictures of flowers and landscapes, is something that will definitely motivate you into feeling better about things.
Because they will make you feel instantly depressed and start to question the whole purpose of life and you part in it's existence, but don't worry, once the overwhelming depression eventually subsides you'll suddenly feel great.
The pairing of cynical quotes with optimistic images is something beautiful, and is guaranteed to raise a bitter smile and a sour grin. Before you know it you'll be skipping around like a lamb in springtime without a care in the world.
There's noting like some Teutonic prose to make you take a different view of life.