33 Ridiculously Adorable Photos Of Different Animal Species Getting Close And Hugging It Out
Humankind can learn a lot from the animal kingdom, and not just how to survive in the middle of a jungle or that domesticated cats are total weirdos. It can also teach us to live in peace and harmony.
OK so nature can be a total a-hole too, with its kill or be killed brutality and the whole organisms eating each other to survive thing (actually, some of the animals being cuddled here are 'on the menu' for those doing the cuddling) . But not all the time.
Sometimes it just wants to have a big hug and a cuddle, like the animals in these photos.
They're not even the same species either, instead they're animals of all different types hugging it out and cosying up to one another. A great reminder that the world isn't always a total shit show.
Instead of fighting and hating they're snuggling in the most adorable way to not only bring a bit of sweetness into your life, but also to show that, sometimes, we can all just get along, man.
In fact there's a whole Tumblr dedicated to interspecies cuddles, it's called Animals of Different Species Cuddling Together, showcasing a whole group of cute critters who just want to peace-out.
If you're feeling a little glum it's a surefire way to cheer you up. As are the images below.