Sad Taylor Swift—Photo Of The Pop Star Sat On A Bench Gets A Very Funny Photoshop Battle
What is it about celebrities sitting on benches alone looking sad? First their was the legendary meme Sad Keanu sitting alone and eating a sandwich and now we have Sad Taylor Swift. The pop star was photographed sitting on a bench in New York City looking a bit pensive and troubled. 'What's wrong taylor?'
There was one particular photo from a set of Taylor Swift with her hand under her chin staring at the ground and looking like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders that was picked up by Reddit's Photoshop Battle community. And once they got hold of it, they went into full-on creative overdrive.
There have been Taylor Swift Photoshop Battles before, of course, and they'll no doubt be plenty more, but this one is particularly hilarious. Maybe she was thinking about what celebrity she should date next?
And it was also the perfect opportunity for Reddit's PS army to combine it with Sad Keanu, in multiple ways, along with creating plenty of other variations too including Trump showing up, and Forest Gump offering some solace.
Hopefully she gets to see what has become of her personal moment of solace and it will cheer her up?
You can check out all of them on Reddit's PSBattle sub but we've posted some of our favs below.
Here's the original.

And here's the photoshopped versions.