
'Star Wars: Randy Orton Strikes Back'—The WWE Wrestler RKOs The Galactic Empire

Sure, the new Star Wars movie is coming out soon, but one person who isn't going to be in it is the mighty Randy Orton. A man who can give even the Dark Side nightmares, and who laughs in the face of the Force.

But one place where he is in the galaxy far, far away is this mashup video by VidGeo. And he's brought the internet's favorite WWE finishing move along with him, using it to KO both man and machine.

Watch in awe as Randy RKOs an AT-AT, storm troopers, even Luke and Leia aren't safe from his onslaught.

There's also more surprises in store for poor Luke, namely his father isn't who he thought it was.

Also making an appearance in the Star Wars universe alongside Randy is hologram-Shia Labeouf and Jean-Claude Van Damme, who appears in an AT-AT.

If Randy popping up in a film franchise seems strangely familiar, VidGeo also blessed the world with the exceptional "Randy Orton vs. Superman: Dawn of the RKO" video a while back.

Long may they continue to make more.


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