
Poor Stick Figures Meet Gruesome Ends In Metro Los Angeles' Macabre New Safety Videos

In a place like a train station safety is of the utmost importance and Metro Los Angeles want people to know what horrible fates might await them should they not follow the rules.

In a series of grisly but fun videos inspired by the legendary PSA from Melbourne's Metro Trains “Dumb Ways to Die” various stick figures die horrifically to shock you into toeing the line. Or staying behind it.

The titles alone should give you an indication of what to expect, there's "Present or Pulverized?," "Careful or Crushed?," "Dismount or Dismembered?," "Mindful or Mangled"," "Patient or Pancake?," and the ever cheerful "Heads-up or Headless?."

“Safety is our highest priority for Metro riders," said Metro Board Chair and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. "These videos are edgy by design because we want these messages to stick. A lapse of attention at a rail crossing or unsafe behavior at a station can have dire if not deadly consequences. Let’s all do our part to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip."

Yes, lets. You can check out the videos in the series below. And just remember no matter where you are, be safe and follow the rules at train stations. Or else.

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