Supergirl Stuntwoman Jessie Graff Totally Owns It On American Ninja Warrior Qualifiers
In her Los Angeles Qualifier run for American Ninja Warrior professional stuntwoman Jessie Graff doesn't just finish the course, she totally nails it in the most impressive way.
Graff, who does stunts for TV shows Supergirl, The Walking Dead and films like Transformers: Dark of the Moon and X-Men: First Class, wore a very apt Wonder Woman costume for the event.
But not only is she a stuntwoman she's also a pole-vaulter, and as one of the commentators notes that upper body strength is what's needed in American Ninja Warrior.
She basically has all the skills required to not only take on this obstacle course, but own the hell out of it. Which she does, racing through like it's a total breeze, even scaling a 14.5 foot warped wall like it was nothing. You've probably had harder walks in the park.
Graff has got previous with the show too. Back in 2013 in season five of American Ninja Warrior she set a record as the first woman to qualify for city finals, and now she's the first woman to scale the 14.5 foot wall.
No doubt American Ninja Warrior will be seeing a lot more from Graff, who after years of backseating as a stuntwoman is now deservedly shining brightly in the spotlight.