Sweet, Sweet Justice—Guy 'Steals' His Stolen Bike Back From The Thief That Took It
Sometimes the world is a total a-hole that robs you of things you hold dear. Other times it's full of surprises. This video has both those things.
After a guy's bike was stolen he decided to look on Craigslist to see if anyone was dumb enough to sell it.
And, luckily for him, they were. So, instead of calling the cops which most people would've done, he took matters into his own hands. He rang the guy up, inquired about the bike, and pretended he was interested in buying it.
By doing so he got the guy's address and so the location of his stolen bicycle. He then proceeds to go around the guy's house, ask to look at the bike, then seizes his opportunity.
He asks to give it a test ride, then cycles off with it. Priceless.
It's a total karma-tastic feel good video and even got up-voted to page one of Reddit, good stuff you might think.
But a close look at some of the comments on Reddit makes a note of something that happens around 1:18 on the video, as one Redditor comments, "at 1:18 you can hear the guy in the other room say ya, and then hear it on the phone."
The jury's out, but fake or real i'm clinging onto the hope that justice was served that day.