Voomed - best
- Dog Tattoos That Are So Cool All Dog Lovers (And Even Your Canine) Will Think Are Awesome Dog tattoos are a great way for pet owners to show they love their dogs so much they want to immortalize them, but you need to make sure you get it right. So if you're looking for ideas for dog tattoo...
- When Kids Aren't Playing 'Pokemon Go' They're Making Hilarious Vines About Playing 'Pokemon Go' If you poke your head out the window and look around you'll notice that there are still plenty of people walking around pointing their phones at nothing. Don't believe me, try it now. I'll wait till y...
- Could This Be The Worst (Or Maybe Best?) Cover of “Juicy” by Notorious B.I.G. Ever Recorded? If you were looking for something that was gonna teach you how to hate today, then you need look no further than this embryo of a boy - 'MattyB' - who’s about as street as a green field in spring time...
- It's That Time Of Year Again—Yep, It's Snow News Bloopers Compilation Time! It's winter so that means snow, so that means reporters out reporting in the snow, which means compilations of those reporters doing stupid stuff—in the snow. Yes, not only does this time of year nece...