Voomed - Faint
- Adorable Dog Passes Out From Overwhelming Joy As It's Reunited With It's Owner If you are a dog then 14 years is a very long time to be apart from a loved one (ok, so that might be only 2 years in human years, but you get what i mean, right?), and so was with a very cute and ado...
- People Are Testing Their Dogs By Pretending To Faint, Then Filming The Hilarious Results Dogs are very loyal creatures that respond to your moods and habits, they also have a sixth sense that knows when you are not well and have even been known to respond to a disease that you don't even ...
- "Will You Marry Me?" This Man's Romantic Dream Marriage Proposal Ends With The Woman Fainting Asking the love of you life to marry you can be a tense time, from picking the right time, right location (and the right person) and hoping beyond all hope that nothing goes wrong. For Cameron everyth...