Voomed - insects
- The Queen Termite Is Possibly The Grossest Thing You Could Ever Eat—Or See, Or Anything OK, prepare your "Disgust Face" because you're going to be needing it when you catch sight of the wobbling sack of horror that is the queen termite. See that giant rippling bag of nightmare fuel she c...
- Crazy Guy Plays With Giant Freaky Insect Called A Whip Spider And It's Pure NOPE! Look away now if you have any chance of getting freaked out by a long-legged insect that looks like it's climbed out of a William Burroughs novel. Anyone still there? Meet Adrian Kozakiewicz who doesn...
- Incredible 4D-Rendered Bugs: Artist Istvan Imagines Hundreds of Polygonal Alien Insects If you fancied yourself an insect collector but couldn't stomach the ickiness of the real things, then this assortment of polygonal versions could be a good alternative. Biotop from Polygonia is a col...