Voomed - lazy
- Lazy Lovers? Then You'll Need This Auto Thrusting Hydraulic Sex Girdle When you're ten years into a marriage, being lazy lovers is pretty standard practice. Passions have dwindled, commitments have increased, all you want to do after a hard day's work is go to bed. But i...
- 'Late Sleeper? Blame Your Genes'—Video Explores The Science Behind Night Owls And Early Risers Are you one of those people who, if left alone by the alarm clock, will snooze until noon? Or are you one of those people who calls people who snooze until noon lazy? Either way, it's not you're fault...
- On a Scale of 0 to 5 - Just How Motivated Are You? You know, it’s a real effort to write anything here. But that’s laziness for you. Some are born lazy, some achieve laziness and some have laziness thrust upon them. Whereas motivation takes effort, de...