Voomed - message
- Woman's Powerful Message Tells People To Embrace Their Surgical Scars - #ScarredNotScared In her 22 years Michelle Elman from London, England has undergone quite a bit of surgery. 15 procedures in total which have included operations to remove a brain tumor and a brain cyst. The result is ...
- 32 Hilarious Examples Of How Complicated Your Life Would Be Like If Dogs Could Text Dogs, they are your best friend, someone who is there for you no matter what, non-judgemental, unconditional in their love for you and the always around to lift your spirits in time of need. Always. B...
- Text Message Confusion - This Key & Peele Sketch Totally Nails How Confusing Texting Can Be We've all been there, you send a text to someone and then totally misinterpret their reply. Without their voice to convey emotion, you read what you want into that reply. As innocuous as it might seem...