Voomed - space exploration
- Elon Musk's New Mars Colony SpaceX Rockets Could Also Travel Anywhere On Earth In Under An Hour CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk has revealed plans for new space rockets that will not only help his company colonize Mars, but also create a moon base, and also allow for travel to any place on Earth in unde...
- NASA Scientist Lucianne Walkowicz Explains Why Mars Shouldn't Be Considered A 'Backup Earth' It's casually assumed sometimes that if we destroy earth through climate change or some other human made catastrophe, we might be able to move to Mars. Of course we'd need to make Mars habitable first...
- NASA Unveils Plan Outlining How They Will Send Humans To Mars Permanently By 2030 NASA, and space exploration in general, seem to be having a bit of a renaissance moment of late. There was the announcement earlier this year that the Kepler telescope had discovered its first earth-s...