Taylor Swift Hacked By Lizard Squad Who Threaten To Release Nude Photos #TaylorSwiftHackof2015
Taylor Swift's twitter account took a turn for the WTF yesterday when it was briefly under the control of hackers. The Lizard Squad, who claimed responsibility for the recent Facebook downtime, supposdely broke into her Twitter and Instagram accounts and posted some follow-me tweets along with some literal toilet humor pics.
The Twitter handle of user @veriuser claimed they were the hacker, but the tweets were quickly deleted after about 20 minutes when the hack was discovered.
Here's what was posted, which was retweeted quite a few times.

Also, a supposedly leaked screenshot of some Twitter DMs (below) shows Taylor conversing with Nick Jonas, Pew Pew Die, along with making some pretty awesome whale puns with musician BØRNS.
Whether it's real or not, who knows. But let's hope so, for those whale puns alone.

Here's what her Instagram looked like:

The horror. Taylor responded to it all on her Tumblr:

The @veriuser account was soon suspended but @lizzard, who was mentioned in a tweet in the hack and claimed in their Twitter bio to be the leader of a number of famous hacking groups including Lizard Squad, LulzSec, and Anonymous, then started issuing some threats to poor Taylor.
@lizzard tweeted that he would exchange nude photos of Swift for bitcoins, before their account was suspended too.

Taylor hit back though, saying the hackers have nothing on her. NOTHING!
You could say Taylor was able to shake it off. I'll get my coat...