Giant Panda Cubs At The Toronto Zoo Celebrate Their First 100 Days Of Being Incredibly Cute
100 days ago Toronto Zoo's female panda, which has been on loan from China to Canada for the last 10 years, gave birth to tiny twin pink hairless baby pandas.
Weighing 181.7 and 115 grams they've just recently reached their 100th day—they now weigh 5.55 kg and 4.85 kg—which according to Chinese tradition is cause for celebration because they've "survived the risky fragility of infancy and may be considered on track for a successful future" said the zoo.
To honor this the zoo released an adorable video showing them as tiny babies and following them through the first 100 days and the journey they've made since they were born.
"The Toronto Zoo is very honoured to be participating in the Global Giant Panda Conservation Breeding Program and extremely proud of the births of Canada's first giant panda cubs," zoo CEO John Tracogna said in a statement.
Along with celebrating 100 days the zoo have also determined the sex of each cub after cell swabs from the babies have been successfully analysed—the results are the larger one is male and the smaller one female.
Now the sex is determined and 100 day mark reached the zoo wants the public to help name the cubs by voting on what pair of names they like best, voting ends 28 February.
If you can't wait to see these cuties in person, the cubs will hopefully be able to be viewed by the public in mid-March.